Recent Comic Roundup: Teen Titans Special

Wanted to get a quick one out today (that’s what she said) and talk about some recent comic releases, something I haven’t really done thus far. Plus what’s coming up for the site next month. Here we go. Collectors be warned: You may actually want to pick up the seemingly pointless Teen Titans Special, in stores today. I have no idea if this issue will catch heat, depends on what in the issue actually sticks, but it could very well be a key moving forward. You have been warned… Continue reading “Recent Comic Roundup: Teen Titans Special”

Why Collecting Comics Matters To Us

To me, the reading of comics is inextricably linked to the collecting of them. There’s no separating the two. Now, I understand some might find that notion ridiculous; after all, going to the movies is not linked to saving movie tickets. It is, however, linked to buying Blu-rays or DVDs or digital copies of a film you like, and I think that comes from the sense of when you like something, you want to own a part of it, to stake your claim. I would describe it as leaving your mark, in some small way, to put out your opinion and hope it mattered in the grand scheme of things. To bring some kind of internal validation to yourself and calm the worry that you spent so much time with, essentially, all these piles of paper that ain’t gonna mean anything in the grand scheme of things. As Alan Moore says in Watchmen, “No meaning other than what we attach to it,” leaving us to create our own meaning and give items totemic symbolism, more or less. So I guess with comic collecting, it becomes about: why bother? How can it possibly be worth the effort, and matter at all? Continue reading “Why Collecting Comics Matters To Us”