It’s time for the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe entry, and this time the wheel turns to the sequel to 2015’s modest hit Ant-Man, now aptly titled Ant-Man and The Wasp. Shall we dive in, or shrink down? Continue reading “Quick Review: Ant-Man & The Wasp”
Rank Your Favorite Marvel Studios Films
Found this making the rounds- Charles Skoda has made a Marvel Cinematic Universe film ranker on his site. Just pick from an either/or visual list and it ranks all 19 films in your order of preference from most liked to least, based on your instinct. This was very useful for me, because I had tried to make a list on my own, but it was too hard to be objective. This way, freed from the shackles of thinking you “need” to rank certain movies higher than others, you get something pretty darn close to how you really feel. Take it yourself and see:
Quick Review: Avengers Infinity War
Saw Infinity War this weekend, waited until I saw it twice to give some concrete thoughts. There’s not much I can add that hasn’t already been said at this point so I’ll just give my impressions. Everyone and their mother has seen it by now so I will say SPOILERS ahead, but I figure any embargo time has long since passed. Continue reading “Quick Review: Avengers Infinity War”