Saw Infinity War this weekend, waited until I saw it twice to give some concrete thoughts. There’s not much I can add that hasn’t already been said at this point so I’ll just give my impressions. Everyone and their mother has seen it by now so I will say SPOILERS ahead, but I figure any embargo time has long since passed. Continue reading “Quick Review: Avengers Infinity War”
New ‘Venom’ Trailer Breakdown
Sony has unleashed a new trailer for Venom, and there’s a few interesting things to look at. Here ’tis:
It looks as if they are indeed adapting the “Lethal Protector” series where Venom is the hero/protagonist, and it appears that Spider-Man will make nary an appearance, let alone the Tom Holland version in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This seems to be its own thing, like those odd standalone Fox Marvel movies from a decade ago. Is anyone else getting strong Ghost Rider vibes from this trailer? “I’m the only one who can walk on both worlds; I’m Venom/Blade/Ghost Rider/Constantine.” Here we seem to be getting investigative journalist Eddie Brock uncovering a conspiracy about the suit, manufactured in a lab rather than catapulted from space, and after he steals it wacky hi-jinks ensue, or something. There isn’t much to go on but that big tongue right out of the ’90’s comics at the end looked pretty nice at least! Continue reading “New ‘Venom’ Trailer Breakdown”
Exclusive: Future of Disney-Fox deal for Marvel characters
I attended a speaking engagement with some high-level Fox production crew members, and found out some interesting information, in particular regarding the Fox-owned Marvel characters in the wake of the Disney deal. Continue reading “Exclusive: Future of Disney-Fox deal for Marvel characters”
Stan Lee Needs a Hero
I am very, very worried for The Man. I am afeared that if someone doesn’t intervene on his behalf soon, Stan will be completing his own journey into mystery…
via The Hollywood Reporter
Quick Review: Ready Player One
Throwing out a quick review, admittedly a bit late, but better late than never. Will try to get up a belated Wondercon post-mortem in the next day or so; been really busy. But I caught a new flick last week. Continue reading “Quick Review: Ready Player One”