Welcome to my site, Comic Genre! I am Brent Andrew, wannabe hipster doofus, one of those Millennials you hate so much. As the title implies, I’ll be talking about comics, and general genre stuff. This is a catch-all that allows me to include movies, tv, pop culture and whatever might be interesting, as opposed to limiting it to just comics. Although that will be the focus (for now).
I hope to have an in-depth article up every week, as well as several smaller posts detailing quick reviews, news, or goings-on in nerd culture. When I say in-depth, I mean it; although it is not my pretension to be the New Yorker, I want to try give a thorough analysis to any given topic in a true journalistic style, and I want to have the best presentation and integrity. So if ever my facts are wrong or you see something not properly cited, please feel free to reach out to me at and give a holler.
That’s about it! Keep a look out for the first article soon, and tell your friends. Although this site is mainly to write and talk about things that interest me, I always appreciate when anybody gives something a read. Peace out and check back often!